
The Nation Mourns Day

From May 19th, 2008 To 21st For The National Mourning Date, Expressed To The SiChuan WenChuan Great EarthQuake Dying Compatriot's Profound Condolence.


This Moment, Perpetuates In The National Memory.


Quake Raids

On May 12, 2008 14:28, The Earthquake Suddenly Affects Half East Asia.
At That Time I Just Got Through The Matter To Return To The Room, Frightens All People Very Frightened Toward The Outside To Run.
The Most Major Problem Is The Transportation And The Communication Is Impeded. Is Unable To Relate With The Outside .

It Wished That The PLA Can Rush As Soon As Possible Rescues Scene, They Not Can Only The Quicker Implementation Rescue, Moreover Can Bring The Hope To The People.
It Is Estimated That The Casualties Will Break Through 20 ~ 30 Thousand .


In BeiChuan County Rescue Situation .

The Earthquake Is Also Continuing, Rain Also Under. Earthquake Center's WenChuan County Situation Is Not Clear, Hoped That More Than 4000 PLA Can Airborne The Locality As Soon As Possible.

After Disaster's WenChuan County .

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