In 1949 India Dispatched Troops To Enter And Be Stationed In The Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal. In February, 1951 Established In New China Gives The Internal Affairs To Take Into Consideration The China And India Boundary Problem And The Korean War Busily Opportunity, Dispatched Troops To Occupy The Chinese South Of Tibet Region. Until 1962 By Chinese Army Impediment To Stopped.
By: Ningthemcha Mayum Ongbi Brinda By: Ningthemcha Mayum Ongbi Brinda
The uniqueness of the Meiteis among all the mongoloids inhabiting in Asia - the east, north, south-east and the region comprising Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim, and Manipur is that we are the only ones left among our stocks who give so much ultimate importance on the Dragon, ie, Deities depicted in the forms of Dragons as the principal gods. There is a unique similarity between the Meiteis and the mongoloids in other parts of Asia apart from its genetic and other cultural ties they share. That unique similarity is: all of these people share the same basic faith of worshipping and celebrating Dragon, which the Meiteis worship as Pakhangba. The uniqueness of the Meiteis among all the mongoloids inhabiting in Asia - the east, north, south-east and the region comprising Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Sikkim, and Manipur is that we are the only ones left among our stocks who give so much ultimate importance on the Dragon, ie, Deities depicted in the forms of Dragons as the principal gods. There is a unique similarity between the Meiteis and the mongoloids in other parts of Asia apart from its genetic and other cultural ties they share. That unique similarity is: all of these people share the same basic faith of worshipping and celebrating Dragon, which the Meiteis worship as Pakhangba.
People in the regions mentioned above have followed other religions although many of them have still retained their religious faith in the Dragon in parallel to other religions they have adopted. But the Dragon occupies the cultural life of no other group as much as it does in our life. In fact it can be said that we are the sole survivors who have still retained the ancient belief without break. This is with reference to the Meiteis who continued to be Dragon worshippers and never adopted Hinduism. And I am proud of those brave people with dignity who knew the importance of our roots and upheld it for the posterity in spite of the various challenges they had to face. People in the regions mentioned above have followed other religions although many of them have still retained their religious faith in the Dragon in parallel to other religions they have adopted. But the Dragon occupies the cultural life of no other group as much as it does in our life. In fact it can be said that we are the sole survivors who have still retained the ancient belief without break. This is with reference to the Meiteis who continued to be Dragon worshippers and never adopted Hinduism. And I am proud of those brave people with dignity who knew the importance of our roots and upheld it for the posterity in spite of the various challenges they had to face.
No wonder, in spite of the harsh contradictions that have been faced by us, we still are able to retain and nourish our age-old beliefs. Apart from the forceful superimposition of Hinduism on us, we have not been influenced by any other religion spiritually. Hinduism, just the way it was imposed and thrusted on us, has never been the driving spiritual force in our life. Just as it was imposed on us, it is now going back to its place of origin the same way. In three hundred years or so of imposition of Hinduism, we have sanctified ourselves very quickly as compared to the usual time taken for cultural sanctity. This is due to various reasons. First, this religion was imposed on us without our willingness to convert, second, tears and humiliation were and have been the price paid for it, third, the Bengali Hindu priests who came to spread it sacrileged our beliefs and conscience and defrauded us, fourth, the cultural impact of the alien religion on our lives was only superficial because Pakhangba and Sanamahi continued to occupy the place of supreme importance in every household, and fifth, Hinduism is the very root cause for the fragmentation of the brotherhood between hill and valley people and now we would have lost everything to identify ourselves with had it not been due to the sincere efforts of the true followers of Sanamahi. No wonder, in spite of the harsh contradictions that have been faced by us, we still are able to retain and nourish our age-old beliefs. Apart from the forceful superimposition of Hinduism on us, we have not been influenced by any other religion spiritually . Hinduism, just the way it was imposed and thrusted on us, has never been the driving spiritual force in our life. Just as it was imposed on us, it is now going back to its place of origin the same way. In three hundred years or so of imposition of Hinduism, we have sanctified ourselves very quickly as compared to the usual time taken for cultural sanctity. This is due to various reasons. First, this religion was imposed on us without our willingness to convert, second, tears and humiliation were and have been the price paid for it, third, the Bengali Hindu priests who came to spread it sacrileged our beliefs and conscience and defrauded us, fourth, the cultural impact of the alien religion on our lives was only superficial because Pakhangba and Sanamahi continued to occupy the place of supreme importance in every household, and fifth, Hinduism is the very root cause for the fragmentation of the brotherhood between hill and valley people and now we would have lost everything to identify ourselves with had it not been due to the sincere efforts of the true followers of Sanamahi.
The idea put here does not mean to refute the fact that there are many other places where alien religions have worked out successfully. The basic difference between them and ours is that people in other places accepted those alien religions with their own free consent, most of the time, based upon the teachings and beauty of the religion. But in our case, we never accepted Hinduism with our free consent, be it in its name or value and there cannot be acceptance of a thing that is forced on somebody. What is imposed forcefully cannot be ratified by future acceptance. And this is why, Hinduism as it was forced on us has not been able to survive. What is imposed may be ratified by later acceptance in other walks of life but it will never work where conscience of the people is involved. Hinduism, it has prevailed for three hundred years in Manipur but it does not mean people have seemingly accepted it or that it has successfully survived in Manipur. This must be established from the way it came, how people accepted it, and how it has continued to be accepted by people. Prevalence is not the sole factor to determine the success of a thing, certain things must be considered, like, is it there because people want it, or is it there because people have no other way to remove it, eg, a highly immoral person may still live in a community but it simply does not mean that he is accepted by the society because the society may have no other way of ousting him, or its presence is dwindling and is bound to die with time. In the first case, such prevalence can mean to be successful unless it results in the later two cases. Thus, as we are seeing in the present societal context, more and more people are, with rapid acceleration, returning to the age-old worship of the Dragon, abandoning Hinduism after realizing history and the indomitable place of the Dragon in our identity and lives. So, the prevalence of Hinduism in our society today is due to the above later two factors. It is bound to reduce to such an insignificant number of followers among the Meiteis that it will die out with time. No sensible person can go on embracing a belief which sacrileged his origin and root. The idea put here does not mean to refute the fact that there are many other places where alien religions have worked out successfully. The basic difference between them and ours is that people in other places accepted those alien religions with their own free consent, most of the time, based upon the teachings and beauty of the religion. But in our case, we never accepted Hinduism with our free consent, be it in its name or value and there cannot be acceptance of a thing that is forced on somebody. What is imposed forcefully cannot be ratified by future acceptance. And this is why, Hinduism as it was forced on us has not been able to survive. What is imposed may be ratified by later acceptance in other walks of life but it will never work where conscience of the people is involved. Hinduism, it has prevailed for three hundred years in Manipur but it does not mean people have seemingly accepted it or that it has successfully survived in Manipur. This must be established from the way it came, how people accepted it, and how it has continued to be accepted by people. Prevalence is not the sole factor to determine the success of a thing, certain things must be considered, like, is it there because people want it, or is it there because people have no other way to remove it, eg, a highly immoral person may still live in a community but it simply does not mean that he is accepted by the society because the society may have no other way of ousting him, or its presence is dwindling and is bound to die with time. In the first case, such prevalence can mean to be successful unless it results in the later two cases. Thus, as we are seeing in the present societal context, more and more people are, with rapid acceleration, returning to the age-old worship of the Dragon, abandoning Hinduism after realizing history and the indomitable place of the Dragon in our identity and lives. So, the prevalence of Hinduism in our society today is due to the above later two factors. It is bound to reduce to such an insignificant number of followers among the Meiteis that it will die out with time. No sensible person can go on embracing a belief which sacrileged his origin and root.
Our conscience, prior to and after Sanskritisation, has always been our Ebudhou Pakhangba, Lainingthou Sanamahi and Ebendhou Leimarel Sidabi. This is shown by the fact that, no matter how hard-liner a Meitei who follows Hinduism might be, there is always a place customarily preserved for Ebudhou Sanamahi and Leimrel Sidabi Ebendhou, at least. In any social ceremony, be it marriage or death ceremony or otherwise, even though the whole practice may entirely be based on Sankskrit, it always culminates at Lainingthou Sanamahi and the spiritual content remains our own. This conscience may be sub-conscious or conscious. Thus the truth remains that nothing can replace the place of these deities. Our conscience, prior to and after Sanskritisation, has always been our Ebudhou Pakhangba, Lainingthou Sanamahi and Ebendhou Leimarel Sidabi. This is shown by the fact that, no matter how hard-liner a Meitei who follows Hinduism might be, there is always a place customarily preserved for Ebudhou Sanamahi and Leimrel Sidabi Ebendhou, at least. In any social ceremony, be it marriage or death ceremony or otherwise, even though the whole practice may entirely be based on Sankskrit, it always culminates at Lainingthou Sanamahi and the spiritual content remains our own. This conscience may be sub-conscious or conscious. Thus the truth remains that nothing can replace the place of these deities.
Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Thais, Burmese, other mongoloids in North, East and Southeast Asian countries follow Buddhism mainly and other religions, such as, Islam, Christianity, etc. What is common between these people and us is, as has been mentioned earlier, that apart from the common genetic and cultural identity, in our lives, there is a significant place for the Dragon. Like them we are also ancestral worshippers. This unique practice of ancestral worship has stemmed down from the ancient Chinese practice. Prior to the coming of alien religions to their culture, their principal God was the Dragon, who is the Ultimate in the region. They accepted these alien religions on their own 'free will' but this physical factor of 'free will' is not there in the imposition of Hinduism on us. Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Thais, Burmese, other mongoloids in North, East and Southeast Asian countries follow Buddhism mainly and other religions, such as, Islam, Christianity, etc. What is common between these people and us is, as has been mentioned earlier, that apart from the common genetic and cultural identity, in our lives, there is a significant place for the Dragon. Like them we are also ancestral worshippers. This unique practice of ancestral worship has stemmed down from the ancient Chinese practice. Prior to the coming of alien religions to their culture, their principal God was the Dragon, who is the Ultimate in the region. They accepted these alien religions on their own 'free will' but this physical factor of 'free will' is not there in the imposition of Hinduism on us.
Like all the mongoloids, we wear the same dresses, although of different patterns, have the same basic food habits, speak the same pattern of language and have the same forms of martial arts. Historically and mythologically, we are related to them. We need to further concretize the relation between them and us and strengthen the seemingly now faint bond and find out who we are and where we have come from. This bond is indestructible, because it is our root, our origin and our family and this is the truth. And history has shown it and we know that there is no strength greater than the truth. Like all the mongoloids, we wear the same dresses, although of different patterns, have the same basic food habits, speak the same pattern of language and have the same forms of martial arts. Historically and mythologically, we are related to them. We need to further concretize the relation between them and us and strengthen the seemingly now faint bond and find out who we are and where we have come from. This bond is indestructible, because it is our root, our origin and our family and this is the truth . And history has shown it and we know that there is no strength greater than the truth.
The author can be reached by email at
Me:nice to meet you
we are not anglo saxons...
i think the government may take great effort on this issue
is there many people like you believe in communist?
Mao said women constitute half of the sky... so women must be free to get total freedom...
I like Chinese women.. they are very efficient and great...
most of them are good
But the brown Caucasians have subjugated us... and we are still colonized...
in Nagaland the Mongoloid people are still resisting the Hindu Caucasian forces...
so i was telling you about those helpless poor Mongoloids.... of India...
there are seven states... called seven sisters...
that is why the indian state machinary ia thinking of killing all these austrics by brutal force..
india is not democratic...
believe me...
and they deliberately suppress the news and incidents
hindu caucasians deceitfully captured all lands...
the indo is later added
i think they are mixed...
with Caucasian and Mongoloid blood....
you see, nepal used to be the only hindu country ...
what is that term indu imply?
Hindu derived frim Indu...
Me:I heard that they are vassal state of Tibet
religion cannot be the judge of history
hindu caucasians are very clever
they first spread their hindu mystic religion and then
later claim that the land which is hindu dominated is indian
they could not do so in bhutan and nepal...
we need to counter them by marrying their women also
so that we can mongolize with equal effect
otherwise will be an extinct race
like the Red Indians of America and Austroloids of Australia
Hindusim is like Confucianism...
its a poison..
if you become a hindu, you need to be ascribed a certain social ranking
according to your physical feature and occupation...
now if you do not belong to the catse then you are not a hindu at all you must have a caste idenity if you are a hindu
and offered them the caste identity Sakya Seni rajput...
the English however rejected the offer...
i know the history of confucianism... hinduism is worse than that...
harmony is the core idea of Confucianism
he he he
and above all hindus are racists...
they call the Mongoloid people Chinkis....
because they dont look like them...
and another notorious racist Hindu preacher is Manu... who ordered the Caucasians to kill all other races....
i will send you the Manusmritic propaganda...
but they are very clever and they use their media to send some false wrong message to the world
the western people are now collectively coming to india and get converted to hinduism...
we must build up counter propaganda....
Mao said,who fight focous on fight,who proganda focous on proganda
do not forget the betrayal the Hindus did in 1962
Nehru had told hindi-chini bhai-bhai but later ordered the indian army to push forward...
Saitan Singh was an indian army officer
but if it had been india in stead of China, it would have never do that...
China also returned all the captured tanks and weapons...
to india...
Indian wanted to capture Tibet as a buffer state...
still india is giving shelter to the Tibetan conspirator Dalai Lama...
now india is planning to rebuild Akhanda Bharat or greater India which includes Tibet...
haha,let them come,and lose another war
yes.... I know indians cannot fight the Chinese red army...
but india is seeking help from America...
yes American whites are the illegitimate fathers of indians...
india is a sanke in south Asia...
yes... that is why I do not trust Russia... though Russia helped China in some cases...
depending is deveil in mao's eyes
you know in Japan the society is breaking down... the Jap family system is declining....
because Japan blindly followed its master the west...
we can take care of Japan if there are no US,haha
never trust these snakes... if we trust them they will bite us...
can US pay the debt to China?
their leader is a black now,let's watch what will happen
that black can do nothing magical....
yes... if it ever happens then there will be a political turmoil... and China should cash that situtaion...
yes... ha ha ... this is very crucial time we have now... very interesting...
do you have any influence in Chinese political environment?
in fact,I like history most
we care about out nation,and love our nation,and will discuss something important automatically
so that those articles can create a mass reaction .....
are the seven sisters use same language?
no... they do not even use the Indian national flag...
yes you do not know man...
thats what i was telling you man....
they have parallel government system....
they have their own government which does not belong to the indian governemtn...
for example...
still the tax is collected that way...
actually India tried to capture the Nagaland territory killing thousands of Mongoloids.... but they failed and declared a ceasefire...
in Manipur, that is also same....
you can hear some insurgent activities in Assam also.... frequent bobm blasts and all these types of acts...
so North east is like second Kashmir...
North East is not India....
its only occupied by India......
but all our women protested that by making a naked rally in front of the indian army barrack...
please write about it... tell them.... it will form a mass mobilization....
i will send you every material i get....
If indians kill me, i will be a martyr....
they will not only arrest me, they will execute me by a fake encounter as they always do.... but if i dont do this then who will do?
could they find your ID?
ok... are you going to leave now?
we can make a difference.... ordinary people can do the most ordinary things....
we have some obligations to our race and our heritage....
you know only a few days ago one university has been build in North East...
its a policy of the indian government to penetrate there into the Mongoloid society... because otherwise there will be battle ground....
indian army killed almost all Naga, Bodo and Manipuri boys....
in the past years....
i will give you all the documents...
another Kashmir.... where 85000 men have been killed by indian army...
Now in Sri Lanka the Sri Lankan army is likking all Tamils ..
and Indian army is actually killing them
A Tamil woman....
not a Muslim....
because recent excavation in Indus civilisation has revealed that all the skulls found there belong to Mongoloid, Negroid and Austroloid people
but historically this land was never the Aryan land...
they now tell some false propaganda ....
so Mongoloids are not only victimized but also the Austrics...
if you come to India, you can ask an illiterate Santhal about it he will tell you the same version I am now telling you...
we all know.... but we are still colonized....
so the Aryan mythology is a mere propaganda....
Confucianism,Buddhism and Daoism
Confucinism is the core in most time
do you know why?
tell me please..
Buddhism alway make trouble for empire.Taoism do nothing good or bad to empire
but Confucianism badly treated the women....
I think it must for the reason of war
yes... war....
i say it the clash of civilisations...
and clash of cultures...
and they are weak when facing weapon
and there are more women than men,because many men die
in Swat valley...
because Taliban has got the victory... or Pak army surrendered to the Taliban...
western propaganda...
no surrender...
just the Pak govt allowed the local Taliban leaders to practice shariya...
and close down women's schools...
internet cafes and other western cultural centres...
like CD shops...
cinema halls...
Pak govt is ok with that...
Pak govt is either helpless or it is a good strategy of the Pak govt to cope with Indian aggression...
I think they made a passage along Pakistan's western border for the Taliban to join Let and then fight for Kashmir....
its a good decision...
now if they fight pitched battle against indian army in Kashmir...
because the Kashmir issue must be solved...
along with LET...
just after the indian parliament election....
traditionly,people want boy
you can have the second,but you may pay fine for it
is the population a big problem for China?
but now,it seemed the govt may loose it
are Chinese women good?
in their behaviour...?
there are good one,ane there are bad one
are they prostitutes?
do they want to earn more money?
but there are poor man and rich man
poor class and rich class
communist Maoist China is then no different from America
We talk about Mao and the nation of Mao is capitalist...
bureaucracy,do you know
since 1979,it had expand a lot
why Communist system is better than democratic system?
only people...
definition of communism
process of capitalism seemed avoidable before communism
like what Marx said
bussiness or study
but they fear China in some degree,there are too many people
and there are few people in Siberia
but there are Skinhead
Skinhead is Nazi
are they arrogant?
no at all
they seemed weak
there are demands for separate Naga nation, Manipuri nation and many others...
if they are united then it is not very difficult...
but the situation is not normal...
Japanese once supported Hiler...
so they have found racist hindus friendly...
this is the fact....
they have black straight hair like Chinese
I mean all the great acient civilization are set up by us
but those hindu caucasians think because of these features we must die..
those hindu caucasians in asia always mock us and try to harass us....
know why?
because we have become effeminate
because we are not aggressive
because we are defensive
because we do not care if our women are kidnapped or hijacked by them
look. every thing related to human on earth is based upon social darwinism...
the fittest will survive...
and those who are not fit enough will die instantly...
if we are not conscious enough our race will become extinct
tomorrow there will be no mongoloid race
because to cut a piece of iron we need to have another piece of iron
so we must lunch counter attack...
their flag
the wolves have organization,but tiger doesn't
microscopic organization is important also
the most awful power of CCP is organization
they will throw them into the dustbin after using them...
in fact this is the worst kind of exploitation....
why should our race will fight against us for the benefit of another hostile race?
they fight even more brave than quondam CCP solidiers
political commissar (within the army)
in every company
mao firmly insisted this at early time of build the red army
and Mongoloids only 2%....
less than 2%
how can you fight?
you can hardly see a
but they do not marry them...
just use and throw...
govt does nothing...
because govt wants to make the other races extinct
why i should say against my own country....
because... hindu caucasians have not made us citizens...
rather slaves...
he came to india to preach christianity
among poor people
he along with his family was burned alive
hindus killed him
also his whole family
the officers are hindus
but the soldiers are low castes
shudra caste
shudra are not untouchables
untouchables are called
dalit means oppressed
but not dalits
not liberated
india got decolonized
from british
but now internal colonization is still there
here we call it internal
not external
british outsiders
they stayed in india
but their home was in england
they never left their home
they are polluting our blood....
some village Nagas....
see some more beauties...
see this Manipuri girl....
and we should protect them ...
ok... see these Arunachali girls... they live in villages and they are very poor....
but the girls are very sweet...
did you have any idea before?
many beauty there
shichuang,yunnan province
do you know
fired 20 shots or bullets at her vagina
so that no medical report can confirm the crime afterwards
media does not cover them all
and then all their men will be killed
so development is very ambiguous term
but there should be a balance
exchange or promise
equal distribution of wealth...
and rights
the poorer people are other races
so in india there is no democracy...
you see bollywood...
they are all hindu aryans,aren't them
but can you see a negroid hero there?
or mongoloid hero?
he is a hindu aryan..
sourav ganguly is a brahmin...
they are colonized...
how can they do that?
they live in rural society...
they live in city ....
.... they often die out of hunger and malnutrition...
they are killed by the police force
now you understand
army and police rape them ..
kill them...
they burn an entire village
how many soildiers are there in the north-east
Muslims 14%
4% Brahmins
its hinduism
that binds the people
have you heard about the caste based reservation system?
in govt jobs and educational institutions there is a caste based reservation system in india
its a strategy to channelize the vented anger of the majoiry
cause and effect theory
if we want to understand the present, we need to look back to the past
many nations, but one national identity
that is the basic difference
well, the difference is now declining... or reducing
slumdog millionaire
so... there is actually a Caucasian fraternity that is creating the relation between Hollywood and Bollywood...
in real world
it is just a temporary fame
those children got the opportunity to act in that film
in return of a very little amount.... less than a dollar
but the main actor and actress are all non-resident indians.. they are already rich
the reality is that US or EU films are in english... and poor people do not know english and they even do not have the money to buy the tickets
very few... only upper caste Aryan or upper class rich people know it....
they show the aspirations of the people....
they are used as an instrument to brainwash people
because most people are not so educated to know the value of their votes...
so... when the people are ignorant and uneducated, how can electoral system do good to them?
because they do that for money
the officers are hindu Aryans
the hindu indian govt spy is very active....


I've Seen The NHK Clap A Documentary, Approaches In A Chinese Frontier Remote Mountain The Tribe, Is The Very Primitive Life. They Also Thought That Oneself And Chinese Is Brothers, But Only Seek Help To The Indian Government Builds Roads, Bridging. Certainly, They Are In India Is Part C, And That Government Service Efficiency Do Not Raise.
In The Local Historical, Its Origin Was Ancient China King Of Qi And Central Asia's Princess Intermarry. With Chinese Appearance Not Different, But Is Very Different With The Common Indian, Is Called It Chindia. Its History Is Rich, Art Is Developed, The Education Is Prosperous, Is Proliferated Various Countries The Higher Pedagogue,Self-Contained Throughout The World. After The Local Government In 1947 Got Rid UK Colonized, In 1949 By India Is Ruled, But Still Does Not Approve The Indian Government And Indian Other Nationalities Until Now. At Present There Anti-Government Force Moves Unceasingly.
Hoped That China Which Day Would Send Troops To Help Them To Be Independent, But In Fact Impossible. If Only Like 1962 Event, India Once More Opened Fire To China For The South Of Tibet Region, Otherwise Not Too Possibly Supported Their Independence Movement. Only India's Luck, Has Met Merciful China, Has Not Strike Him Secretly. India Northeast 7 Pradesh Split Foundation Is Existence, Once Have Strong Power Enter Like CIA Or Some NGO, Send Funds And Weapons, India Definitely Cannot Carry.
India's Unification Is Completely Britain Colonizes Creates, Before That India Is Just A Geographical Term Concept, The European Likes This Kind Of Original Ecology The Civilization, If Wants Them To Live In Which, Estimated That Several Have Not Wanted.
Indian West Coast Goa Was Portugal's Colony, On December 18th To 19th, 1961 India Military Force Reclamation. The Grape Garrison Troops Once Solemnly Must Persevere To The Last Person, But Under The Indian Land, Sea And Air Armed Forces' Attack Soon Surrendered. Receives This Event's Encouragement, In 1976 Indonesia Has Annexed East Timor, Afterward The European Involved, Indonesia Several Years Later Spit It Out Again.




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